domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009

CAP web quest para clases de inglés

Web Quest

A nice place to visit

Esta WebQuest ha sido creada con el propósito de enseñaros a buscar información específica en Internet, evaluar dicha información y presentarla al resto de la clase como un plan de viaje.
El resultado del trabajo debe ser la presentación oral al resto de la clase de un plan de viaje al destino que vosotros consideréis ideal . Este trabajo se realizará en grupo. La primera parte de la presentación será en “present simple” y en la segunda parte se utilizará el “to be going to “ que os ayudará a expresar vuestros planes como un viajero y como un guía al mismo tiempo.
Activity 1.a
In a group give ideas on where you wish to go. Discuss with your colleagues what you all know about each destination and on this basis make your choice. Make sure your choice is viable, easy to talk about and interesting because you will be planning a trip for a group of people not for yourself alone. It is recommendable to agree on a city, town or country we are all familiar rather than somewhere totally unknown.

Activity 1.b
Decide whom you want to dedicate your trip. It is important to choose the place, the means of transport and the activities during your stay depending and what people are travelling with you. Not the same things are suitable for a group of friends or a family with a small child.

Activity 2
Use the following websites to choose to find out about the most typical tourist attractions and decide which you find worth seeing. Think about other things to do not only sightseeing, e.g. shopping etc. Depending on the abundance of attractions and activities, decide if one, two or three day-trip is best to do. It is probably best to choose weekend Friday to Sunday or Saturday through Sunday. Don’t miss out on current events like concerts, sports competitions or fairs.
Make sure you use websites in English.

To search for cities worldwide use
for American cities also:

Activity 3
Find a place to stay overnight. Include information about the location of the hotel and its facilities. For information about hotels you can use links on the websites above or go to

Activity 4
Find how to get there. Make sure that the kind of transport you choose is suitable for the travellers and reasonable. To look for flights see

for train connections

Activity 5
Choose where to eat and what to eat. Search or or use Google.


Part 1
General view
Each student in the group is in charge of presenting work from one or two activities above. The group can use visual help to express their ideas more attractively. Maps, pictures, drawings or PowerPoint slides might help.

The tool
You will speak about what typical tourists, visitors go and see, eat or where do shopping at the destination in general, and therefore you must use mostly Present Simple.

Part 2
Planning the trip
In this part you will use everything you have learnt about the topic and put it in practice as a plan. Your plan is to take you friends or family on a trip which you will guide.

The tool
To talk about your plans and preparations make use of “to be going to”
To talk about timetable use “present simple”
If you need extra help:
Vuestra presentación será evaluada atendiendo a su atractivo, a su corrección gramatical, razonabilidad y al esfuerzo realizado. Para ello, tendréis que explicar porque habéis elegido ese destino y como os podríais beneficiar de esa experiencia. El grupo con mejor actuación obtendrá la mayor puntuación y así sucesivamente. Es decir, la puntuación dependerá de la actuación de todos los grupos, como si de una competición deportiva se tratase.
El viaje ya está preparado, habéis obtenido mucha información acerca de vuestro destino y ya sabéis también como encontrarla navegando por la red, así que, a partir de ahora, para vosotros preparar un viaje visitando páginas en inglés, será sencillo. Al mismo tiempo habéis aprendido a presentarlo en grupo y tal vez algún día podáis llevar ese viaje a cabo J. Good Luck!!

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